Everyday Iowa – Living Vegan for Dummies with Cadry Nelson!

Hello, I’m Cadry! Welcome to my kitchen.

I’m the writer, recipe creator, and photographer behind this vegan food blog. I’m also the author of Living Vegan For Dummies, 2nd edition.

I started Cadry’s Kitchen in 2009, a couple of years after I went vegan.

At that time, I was learning so much about food, and exploring cooking in a whole new way than ever before. I was excited to share what I was learning, as well as grow my own repertoire of recipes.

What made you decide to go vegan?

I’ve always considered myself an animal lover. Growing up, one of my closest friends was our Doberman Pinscher. However, when it came to animals I ate, I tried not to think about them. Still, many times when I was cooking, I’d feel uneasy while preparing meat. I didn’t like reminders of the animal my food used to be.

Then when I was 30, I saw a 12-minute video online called Meet Your Meat that showed what happens to animals who are raised for food. While I was watching it, something clicked. I knew I could no longer be party to that kind of suffering.

So I went vegetarian and kept learning. I read The Food Revolution by John Robbins and The China Study by T. Colin Campbell. I watched documentaries, and came to realize the suffering that was inherent in the egg and dairy industries as well. It became clear to me that the most consistent way of living my values of compassion was to go vegan.

So after a year and a half of being vegetarian, I stopped eating dairy and eggs, and went fully vegan. That was 2007, and I’ve never looked back!  >>MORE

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