Ethical Vegan: A Personal and Political Journey to Change the World

Ethical Veganism – The Most Powerful Idea Ever Conceived

Veganism is not just a diet. Not just an opinion, nor a trend. It is a 21st-century revolution which began 20 centuries ago.’ From the activist, scientist and animal welfare consultant whose employment tribunal changed the law forever comes a timely, personal polemic on the nature of ethical veganism. A choice many feel is the answer to today’s global crises.

Written with urgency, humour and a strong personal narrative, Jordi Casamitjana’s book is the first to consider veganism as an ethical belief. A political engagement. Not just a ‘lifestyle choice.’ While the book full of the vitality and complexity of the animal kingdom he has dedicated his life to protecting, chapters are structured to cover both history, science and practicalities.  

Ethical veganism is about so much more than food and Jordi also explores how it is possible to dress ethically, travel according to vegan principles, to work responsibly, as well as eat carefully.

This philosophy concludes that [animals] indeed have basic rights because they have moral worth, and if humans want to live in a law-based society of rights, they must also consider the rights of non-human animals, as well as their interests (such as avoiding suffering).

These rights include the right to life, body autonomy, liberty, and freedom from torture. In other words, it challenges the notion that non-human animals are objects, property, goods, or commodities, and ultimately aims to acknowledge all their moral and legal “personhood.”  >>Read More

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