By MB Mitcham Fat-Free Banana Bread (Vegan) I follow a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet, and rarely bake treats for myself, because most baked goods have lots of ingredients that I simply won’t eat. This recipe for banana bread not only meets my dietary requirements, but also produces a dense, moist banana bread that is surprisingly delicious, considering the lack…

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A new pro-vegan campaign aimed at making people think about their “lifestyle choices” is turning heads – but can it change entrenched notions about the plant-based approach? The first-ever vegan advertising campaign in Europe is currently running across the country, where arrestingly cute images of farmyard animals tilting their heads to one side are adorning bus shelters and billboards. Eden…

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By Michelle McMacken, MD People go plant-based for lots of reasons. These include losing weight, feeling more energetic, reducing the risk of heart disease, decreasing the number of pills they take… there are dozens of great reasons! For even more inspiration, check out these other benefits you can expect when you go plant-based. 1. You’ll reduce inflammation in your body.If…

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Turns out, there is a scientific reason you just can’t get enough fromage in your face, be it in a classic grilled cheese sandwich, laid out atop a decadent cheese plate, or melted on a deliciously ooey, gooey pizza pie. Cheese is, quite simply, addictive because of the “casein – derived, morphine – like compounds” it contains, reports Thrillist. Cheese…

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Whether you’re a fan of diet or regular, soda may be worse for you than you think. Whether bottled or canned, sugar-free or regular, and no matter what the color – sodas can be very problematic. The health dangers of soda have long existed: whether they are regular or diet, caffeinated or caffeine-free, soda is just plain bad news. Willingly…

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By Compassion Over Killing staff If there’s one question that follows plant-based eaters like the plague, it’s this: BUT WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR PROTEIN? While that question may earn the ultimate eye-roll from a long-term vegan, it’s understandable why people keep on asking. After all, popular wisdom (and the food pyramid) has long suggested that animal products are the…

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Kickstart Insulin Function with Plant-Based FoodsBy Neal Barnard, M.D. Diabetes rates are on the rise and Washington is no exception: One in three adults has elevated blood sugar and a third of children are on their way to full-blown diabetes, which, at $85,000 or more over the course of a lifetime, is expensive to treat. Our medical systems aren’t equipped…

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From ballerinas to tennis champs this diet is way more than a trend. By Jessica Ciencin Henriquez “I’ve been dancing since I was 3,” says Juliet Doherty, an 18-year-old ballerina. “When I was training, I was told protein, protein, protein all the time, but I would get so lethargic.” In an effort to increase her stamina, Juliet started eliminating meat…

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Slaughtering animals and harming them are wrong deeds and not only affects the one who kills animals but also the one who consumes them. Vegetarianism is based on the ideals of ahimsa (non-violence) and the sacredness of life People from foreign countries like U.S. are adapting to the vegetarian lifestyle adhering to the age-old belief of a pure and healthy…

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Evangelist Franklin Graham has converted to one of the last things his largely conservative following would have imagined: a modern American vegan. The son of Billy Graham announced to his 747,000 Twitter followers that he is adopting a vegan diet in the new year, which means he will not eat animal products. This includes no butter, eggs and milk. Graham…

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Even unsweetened, it’s sweeter than dairy, with fewer calories Sippable superfoods are a daily wellness staple—whether it’s your daily green juice, your post-workout protein drink, or your cold-pressed custom blend. But how do you keep your combos interesting? Welcome to Back to the Roots, our sponsored series with 1915 Bolthouse Farms™ where we’ll highlight The Buzziest Things in a Bottle…

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