So many folks have asked about this award-winning video, here’s a reminder. The Meatrix is great to send to your family and friends who can’t fathom why vegans do what they do. (Vist
Have you ever considered??: diet vs. drugs? ?? oatmeal vs. obesity? ?? peas vs. pills? ?? cabbage vs. CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting)? ?? supper vs. surgery? Then consider meeting Dr. John McDougall! Everything you need to make intelligent, compassionate, healthful decisions for your life can be found >> HERE
I am very disappointed that a supposedly progressive-leaning newspaper [Eugene Weekly] would stoop to promoting blatant cruelty to animals by glorifying “rodeo queens” in a three-page article complete with cover page. I am hoping to see a follow-up article which goes behind the scenes to reveal the callous disregard with which the non-voluntary participants in this violent activity are subjected.…
by Will Tuttle, PhD Uplifting images of animals celebrating their lives in nature, with solo piano by Dr. Tuttle. (Video)
Research, Education, Advocacy Farm Sanctuary works to protect farm animals from cruelty, inspire change in the way society views and treats farm animals, and promote compassionate vegan living. We envision a world where the violence that animal agriculture inflicts upon people, animals and the environment has ended, and where instead we exercise values of compassion. Get a Leg Up on…
Our Livestock Industry Creates More Greenhouse Gas than Transportation Does! Source: E-the Environmental Magazine According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the American meat industry produced more than 1.4 billion tons of waste in 1997—five tons for every U.S. citizen and 130 times the volume of human waste. Michael Jacobson, the longtime executive director of the Center for Science…
The Truth Behind the Labels —Farm Sanctuary Campaign We live in a country where 95 percent of eggs on the market come from birds kept in cages so small they can barely move, where mother pigs are treated like piglet-breeding machines and made to live in crates barely larger than their own bodies, where chickens raised for meat are kept…
DOG DEATHS – At least 142 dogs have been run to death or have died from other causes in the Iditarod. There is no official count of dog deaths available for the race’s early years.Learn more here.
In 2009 people watched in horror as Eight Belles was ridden to her death at the Kentucky Derby. Her jockey whipped her as she ran flat out on the hard dirt track before finally collapsing after crossing the finish line and immediately snapping both her front ankles. She was euthanized in the dirt where she lay, wracked with pain, a…
Stopping a Lifetime of Weight Loss and Gain Ever since I was a child, my whole life has been centered on food. Whenever things with my alcoholic father got too bad, my mom would pack me and my sister up, and we’d all go on an eating binge of candy, hot dogs, potato chips, whatever was quick and cheap. By…
A vegan diet affects our food choices and is limited to what we eat, but a vegan lifestyle has a farther-reaching impact. A vegan lifestyle means all our decisions and actions are interwoven and none stands isolated. All life is interconnected. So, decisions about shopping, entertainment, clothes, as well as our meals, are interconnected. And that includes our relationships with…