5 life-changing revelations from the hard-hitting new doc There are plenty of films that act as polemics for the vegan-curious – and if you’ve watched one, you’re probably already on the path. None, however, have hit upon the ingenious format of UK filmmaker Thomas Pickering’s new doc I Could Never Go Vegan. One by one, the film addresses the excuses even the most environmentally-conscious…

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We know you love a good Instagram moment! And what better way to capture those drool-worthy photos than with a plant-based vacay? But where to find the vegan food? No worries, friends. We’ve done the research for you!   London: HappyCow’s Top Vegan City of 2024 Berlin: A Smorgasbord of Vegan Delights Barcelona: Spain’s Up-And-Coming Vegan-Friendly City Amsterdam: The Place to…

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If you’re experimenting with going vegan, you’ve got good timing. Even just a decade ago, it was difficult to find meat- and dairy-free options in restaurants and in the grocery store, let alone tasty vegan recipes to make at home. But now, it has never been easier to focus on plant-based eating. Grocery stores are filled with vegan products —…

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Almost all of us grew up eating meat, wearing leather, and going to circuses and zoos. Many of us bought our beloved “pets” at pet shops and kept beautiful birds in cages. We wore wool and silk, ate McDonald’s burgers, and fished. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. For whatever reason, you are now…

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Humans share this planet with millions of other species, and we all have inherent worth. When we consider the individuals around us—whether they’re a lonely elderly neighbor or a frightened chicken on a transport truck heading to slaughter—we can recognize that everyone feels love, grief, joy, pain, fear, and hope. For animals who are cut open on laboratory tables, prodded…

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Authors behind a new study say their discovery that cavemen ate mostly plant-based debunks the largely meat-based paleo diet. The paleo diet was designed to mimic the way people ate until 2000 BC, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. Also known as the caveman or Stone Age diet, the paleo diet is based on what people consumed during the Paleolithic…

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Want to know how to enjoy a longer, healthier life? Dr Michael Greger shares the science-backed methods you can use to slow the ageing process  Dr Michael Greger is one of the best-known vegan advocates. As a physician, a founding member and fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, and a New York Times bestselling author, he knows a thing or two…

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The longest, most comprehensive peer-reviewed study so far has demonstrated that dogs fed nutritionally-sound vegan diets maintain health outcomes as well as dogs fed meat. (Photo Dr. Linde with ‘Rylee’) The study published in leading scientific journal PLOS ONE, comprehensively assessed the health of 15 dogs by analysing blood cells and biochemistry, blood nutrient levels, urine, veterinary clinical parameters, and monthly…

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Mali-born Hellah Sidibe grew up playing soccer before emigrating to the U.S. When visa issues prevented him from joining a Major League Soccer team, he pushed through the disappointment by starting a run streak. He hasn’t missed a single day of running since 2017. In 2021 Sidibe ran across the United States to raise money for the nonprofit Soles4Souls, a journey that…

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A 2024 study published in Frontiers in Psychology examined the reasons why vegetarians and prospective vegans, who attempt to avoid meat for the same reasons vegans do, do not go completely vegan. Researchers found three primary mental blocks that keep them from this dietary transition. Here are three psychological reasons why people avoid veganism, according to the study. 1. The Knowledge Gap…

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Here at Rainbow Plant Life, you’ll find wildly flavorful vegan recipes, entertaining cooking videos, and tips for making a vegan lifestyle easy, sustainable, and rewarding. A collection of healthy lifestyle resources, including recipe roundups, cooking and veganism tips, photography inspiration, and articles on wellness and productivity.  >>MORE 

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