Alzheimer’s Disease – Boost Brain Health With a Plant-Based Diet

A decline in brain health is not an inevitable part of aging. But how we eat and live can help us protect our memory and stay sharp into old age.

Research shows that saturated and trans fats found in dairy products, meats, pastries, and fried foods can increase the risk for cognitive decline. Instead, eat a plant-based diet, which helps protect brain health. Berries and foods rich in vitamin E, including nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and whole grains are especially beneficial.

Take a B12 supplement to preserve nerve function. But avoid supplements with iron and copper. These metals can harm brain health. Consume iron supplements only when directed by your physician. You’ll also want to choose aluminum-free products including cookware and baking powder.

“ Everyone knows good nutrition supports your overall health, but few realize that certain foods—power foods—can protect your brain and optimize its function, and even dramatically reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. ”  – Neal Barnard, MD, FACC, President, Physicians Committee

But diet isn’t your only line of defense. Make sure to lace up those sneakers and exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep for optimal brain health.

Here are a few simple steps you can take to keep your brain healthy:  >>MORE

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