Brutality of Hunting

The brutality of hunting animals to the death is one which is deeply worrying for many civilized people. Psychologically, people who hunt enjoy getting into a pack of like-minded hunters; and enjoy the adrenaline… of chasing a defense-less animal over miles and miles of countryside. Part of the “appeal” of the hunt is the fact that the hunters, if they ride hard enough, have the power of life-or-death over the animal they are hunting.

What makes this worse is that they get immense pleasure by causing an act of killing; or immense sadness by allowing a life to continue. This desire to exercise the power of life and death is important, because it is what makes a hunter “tick”.

The hunter, in finding pleasure in the act of death, relishes his abuse of power, in the same way that, it is suggested, dictators and psychopaths do too. In each case, the ability to hold a life in your hands; and to crush it in a most bloody fashion on little more than a whim is not what you would call an endearing characteristic in any-one – let alone a potential husband or work colleague or a business partner.

The blood-sports brigade, in finding pleasure from the brutal death of a defense-less animal, exhibits their violent mind-set for all to see. It’s not too surprising really, that such a comparatively high proportion of hunters also have convictions for wildlife crime and violence.

Source: Animal Spirit Love blog

Editor’s Note: Cruelty to animals is diagnosed as a psychiatric symptom predictive of antisocial personality. Studies abound linking the violence inherent in hunting rooted in other violent crimes. Domestic violence, rape, assault, murder, road rage, riots, gang violence and other animal cruelty. The hunted cannot defend themselves. Hunting is the ultimate in “bully mentality.” Taking a life!

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