Dr. Ruth Heidrich on Chris Wark’s Blog

She Healed Breast Cancer with Nutrition in 1982, then Won the Iron Man!

Chris Wark’s first interview of 2015 is with the incomparable Dr. Ruth Heidrich.

She’s the winner of more than 900 trophies, 6 Ironman Triathlons, 8 Senior Olympics Gold Medals, and 67 marathons including Boston, New York, Moscow and The Great Wall of China.

She is a World Fitness Record holder at the Cooper Clinic in Dallas, and was named “One of the Ten Fittest Women in North America”.

She’s author of four books, co-hosts the “Healing & You” radio show, and she was featured in the documentary Forks Over Knives.

ALL of these accomplishments occurred AFTER she healed her stage 4 breast cancer in 1982 with a low-fat vegan diet (no chemo no radiation).

Oh, and she’s 80!

And she’s outlived her oncologist by 30 years.

Incredible lady = Incredible interview.

Prepare to be inspired!
Watch video of interview >>HERE.

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