Going Vegan Is Not the Same as Going On a ‘Diet’—Here’s Why

It’s estimated that each vegan spares nearly 200 animals a year a violent death.  Our fellow animals feel pain, joy, and other emotions; value their lives; and grieve when they lose a loved one.  They also have unique personalities, likes, and dislikes. 

Here’s some food for thought:  Being vegan is a way of life—not a “diet.”

While vegan foods are cholesterol-free and associated with better health outcomes, many humans go vegan to help protect our fellow animals from suffering, combat the climate catastrophe and other environmental problems, and conserve resources.

Although humans often reach their weight goals and reduce their risk of suffering from cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and other health problems by going vegan, there are more compelling reasons to do so.

It’s estimated that each vegan spares nearly 200 animals a year a violent death.  Our fellow animals feel pain, joy, and other emotions; value their lives; and grieve when they lose a loved one.  They also have unique personalities, likes, and dislikes.  

By going vegan, you’ll prevent chickens, cows, pigs, fish, and other animals from being used in experiments, killed for food or clothing, or victimized by other industries that abuse and exploit them.

You don’t have to count calories or eat lots of kale and other leafy greens to liberate animals and improve the environment. You can enjoy vegetable curries, veggie stir-fries, falafel, seitan, tempeh, and various other vegan foods—including vegan chocolate (Reese’s Plant Based Peanut Butter Cups, anyone?) and other delicious dairy-free desserts.

PETA is happy to provide vegan recipes and food product suggestions—as well as information on cruelty-free clothing and other items.  >>MORE

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