Invest in your health and well-being with plant-based Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Envision the possibility to enhance your physical and emotional well-being through ancient and modern medicine, allowing yourself to heal, grow and discover your best self.

Does the hustle and bustle of everyday life have you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and run down? Radiant Collective Center for Creative Wellness offers a warm, cozy, and inspiring environment to commit to your physical and emotional well-being. Renew your mind, body, and soul with a rejuvenating acupuncture session by Amber Campana DACM, LAc co-owner and Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at Radiant Collective Center for Creative Wellness located in the heart of downtown Eugene Oregon.

Acupuncture works with your healing and energy systems to promote harmonization and unlock your body’s natural ability to restore health. Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for many common ailments.  To find out more, visit our website under the “About Acupuncture” page.

At Radiant Collective we strive to stay up to date on the latest Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine research. We offer guidance, inspiration, healthy tips, plant-based nutrition, and herbal advice. To learn more, visit our website HERE. 

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