– Dr. Michael Greger

The goal of is to present you and your doctor with the results of the latest in peer-reviewed nutrition and health research, presented in a way that is easy to understand.

Only one diet has ever been proven to reverse the progression of heart disease, our number one killer, and be effective in treating, arresting, and even reversing other deadly diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. And, that same diet—a whole food, plant-based diet—appears to be the most effective diet for healthy weight loss. Yet, doctors get little, if any, formal nutrition training in medical school and graduate without some of the most powerful tools available to stop the chronic diseases that remain our leading causes of death and disability.

How can we make the best, most healthful dietary choices for ourselves and our families when we are faced with a deluge of confusing and conflicting nutritional advice and never-ending marketing claims, often fraught with conflicts of interest and profit-driven motive.  >>MORE

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