On a Healthy Vegan Diet, I’ve Healed My Liver, Reversed Type 2 Diabetes, and Lost 35 Pounds

Prior to going plant-based, my diet consisted mostly of fatty, fried fast food I could quickly grab on my lunch breaks. Dinner was anything I could cook up quickly, always with some form of animal protein as the main course.

On December 24, 2021, I had an appointment with a hepatologist, arranged by my primary care physician after blood work revealed that my liver enzymes were in the cosmic range. The hepatologist ordered more tests, the results of which showed that I had non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), likely the result of a nasty gene in my family: alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Imaging showed a median liver stiffness score of 13.2, which indicated “severe fibrosis/cirrhosis.”

I was also obese, weighing 184 pounds; had Type 2 diabetes, with an A1C (a measure of average blood sugar) of 7; and had high cholesterol. The doctor told me that if I did not change my diet and sedentary lifestyle, I would be a candidate for a liver transplant within three to six years. Well, that was a lovely Christmas present!


When I told one of my stepdaughters the news, she told me to watch the Forks Over Knives documentary. So I did—three times. After that, I immediately became a vegan. My focus was on repairing and keeping my liver healthy. I was pleasantly surprised when, a few weeks into my new diet, I found myself losing weight.

As for my liver, I went for another checkup in April 2022, and imaging showed a much improved liver stiffness score, of 4.3. Imaging in March 2023 showed a liver stiffness score of 3.7. And my most recent imaging, in January 2024, showed liver stiffness of 2.7, which indicates “no significant fibrosis,” or “normal/inflammation.”


It’s been more than two years since I adopted a healthy vegan diet. Along the way, I have lost 35 pounds (I need to buy a new wardrobe!) and reversed my diabetes, with my most recent blood work showing an A1C of 5.6 (normal). I’ve lowered my cholesterol to the normal range, as well. And I did it all with a plant-based diet—which, by the way, is delicious!

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