Our Symphony with Animals
By Aysha Akhtar, MD

In her collection of heart-warming and gut-wrenching stories, Dr. Akhtar draws an indisputable connection between humans and animals. The narrative format of the book provides a beautiful backdrop to the scientific- and research-based information she provides. If anyone ever doubted that animals hold a special place in our hearts, this book would call their beliefs into question.

Dr. Akhtar gives the reader insight into her own trauma and follows the lives of other individuals enduring pain. These deeply emotional stories show the hidden reality of human suffering, and how people find ways to cope despite their circumstances. The first section of this book illustrates how companion animals have helped (or some say, have saved the lives of) those facing issues such as homelessness, AIDS, PTSD, domestic violence, abuse, and incarceration. The book goes on to argue that, when confronted with these devastating life events, animals can help people find their voice to advocate for themselves, gain the courage to face their demons, and offer a sense of peace, happiness, and purpose in difficult times.

The book takes the reader through the evolution of the medical understanding of this phenomenon, from doctors discounting every claim that animals could help in the healing process to the introduction of therapy dogs in courtrooms to help abuse victims tell their stories.

The second section of this book details the horrors of animal abuse as seen through the actions of a serial killer and through industrial agriculture businesses. Dr. Akhtar takes the reader along as she talks with a convicted murderer, shadows the NYPD Animal Cruelty Investigation Squad, and tours animal agriculture farms. This section pulls no punches as it describes the reality of animal agriculture and the negative effects on animals and the community. While this part of the book may be difficult to read, it is an important aspect of any discussion of humans’ relationship with animals, and it is told in such a way that incites action.

The personal stories are intertwined with research from around the globe, producing a non-fiction book that feels just as compelling and engaging as a fiction novel. With its love stories between goats and dogs, and its broad scientific scope, this book is a must-read for animal-lovers and neuroscience-enthusiasts alike.

Our Symphony with Animals (ISBN: 978-1643130705) is a 336-page book. It is published by Pegasus Books and retails for $16. You can purchase this book online or at a bookstore.

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