Q&A: Can A Vegan Eat at Tex-Mex Restaurants?

by Brittany Estes-Garcia while volunteering with The Vegetarian Resource Group

Q: As a new vegan, I don’t know if I can still eat out in Tex-Mex restaurants. What kinds of questions should I be asking to make sure there are no animal products in my food?

A: There are some questions that vegetarians and vegans have to ask when eating at Mexican food restaurants. They are crucial. The first one would be asking if lard is used for cooking or is used in the beans or to fry corn or flour for chalupa or nacho shells, because a lot of the time they will not say it is unless you ask. The second one is asking if chicken broth or beef stock is used in any of the foods like sauces for example, because sometimes it will not be listed. The third one is asking if the meat or dairy products are cooked on the same surface as the vegetarian meals. The fourth and final one for vegans is making sure there are no dairy products, like cream or sour cream for example, stuck secretly into the meal or served with it, because these ingredients are sometimes overlooked.

Q&A: What Can I Use to Replace Cheese and Meat in Foods Like Tamales and Enchiladas?

Q: What can I use to replace cheese and meat in foods like tamales and enchiladas?

A: There are many ways to replace cheese and meat in foods like tamales and enchiladas. Various combinations can be made containing tofu, vegetables, and guacamole instead of dairy and meat products. An example of this is guacamole enchiladas. Corn tortillas are used which are rolled up with guacamole and jalapenos. A sauce is then put over it that can be described as a ranchero sauce, made out of tomatoes, cilantro, onions, bell peppers, and spices. Another recipe for enchiladas uses tofu, corn tortillas, sauteed vegetables, and any kind of sauce. As for tamales, a good way to substitute cheese and meat in them is to use zucchini, bell pepper, tomatoes, lettuce, and guacamole instead. Beans can also be put inside these. Another way to replace these ingredients is to use black beans, vegetables, and spices. Overall, there are many ways to substitute cheese and meat in meals such as these. Experiment with a variety of vegetables and some of the ingredients listed in this paragraph! You will find a favorite recipe in no time!

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