Repulsed by PETA’s Roast ‘Baby’? Go Vegan

If you’re repulsed by the prospect of roasting a newborn, then leave baby animals in peace and off your plate.

Two PETA merrymakers served a life-like roasted doll on a festively decorated table in Manchester’s Market Street to urge passers-by to think twice about who they’re chowing down on.

PETA encouraged everyone who laid eyes on the daring demo to eat vegan this Christmas – and beyond – with signs declaring, “Leave babies off the Christmas table: Go vegan!” and “Turkeys are killed by the age of 6 months”.

If you’re repulsed by the prospect of roasting a newborn, then leave baby animals in peace and off your plate.

Each year, millions of turkeys suffer and die for the UK’s Christmas dinners. In nature, turkeys are protective parents and spirited explorers who can live for up to 10 years, but those killed for their flesh are normally slaughtered between 12 and 26 weeks of age.  >>MORE 

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