Stick Up for Chickens!

Support United Poultry Concerns

United Poultry Concerns (UPC) is a nonprofit organization that promotes the compassionate and respectful treatment of chickens and other domestic fowl. We urge people: Don’t Just Switch from Beef to Chicken – Go Vegan!

Founded in 1990 by UPC President Karen Davis, UPC is the only organization in the country (and possibly the world) exclusively devoted to the plight of domestic fowl. UPC focuses on these birds because they are the largest number of abused warm-blooded animals in the world.

Along with the billions of birds who are slaughtered each year for food, millions more of these birds suffer in laboratories, get dumped in animal shelters, and die miserably in poultry houses without anyone knowing they ever lived. In fact, it was Karen Davis’s discovery of a little crippled hen named Viva, abandoned in a filthy chicken house in Maryland, which led her to start UPC on behalf of all the “Vivas” in the world who desperately need their voices to be heard.

United Poultry Concerns’ quarterly magazine Poultry Press won praise from UTNE magazine in 2005 as one of the best publications produced by a nonprofit organization. To learn more and become a member, contact UPC, PO Box 150, Machipongo, VA 23405. (757) 678-7875.

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