Suzy Amis Cameron Describes Her Transition to a Vegan Diet

by Brianne Hogan, Ecorazzi

Suzy Amis Cameron shares with The Huffington Post about the “radical wake-up call” that led her to adopting a vegan diet, alongside husband James Cameron.

Amis Cameron says that for, 26 years, she paid close attention to what her family was eating, ensuring it was healthy and nutritious. “We purchased grass-fed meat and free-range eggs, enjoyed plenty of fruits and vegetables from our organic garden, and even had fresh goat yogurt from our well-loved goats,” she said.

Then, in 2012, she watched the documentary, Forks Over Knives, and her whole world of what it was to eat healthy, immediately shifted.

“It gutted me on a physical and emotional level. One idea in particular shocked me: the revelation that we don’t actually need animal protein to be healthy,” she said. “For a girl raised in a big Oklahoma family, the idea that we didn’t need meat and dairy was a radical wake-up call and turned everything I thought I knew about healthy eating upside down.”

The environmentalist was also shocked to learn that a diet based on animal products “was linking to higher rates of chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.” She watched the documentary again with her husband, hoping the information would affect him as deeply as it had her.

It did. After the film ended, >>MORE

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