Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony
The World Peace Diet, by Dr. Will Tuttle has become a movement. The evolution to a more conscious society begins with individuals. Mahatma Gandhi rightly emphasized there can be no positive social change without positive personal change.
What are the cultural messages that we consume with our daily meals, and what kind of world could we help co-create if we were more conscious about our food choices?
Based on revealing the invisible attitudes we ingest at every meal, The World Peace Diet offers an expanded understanding of our culture and our health. It has been called one of the most important books of the 21st century: the foundation of a new society honoring the interconnectedness of life.

The World Peace Diet is one of the first books to make explicit the hidden connections between our culture, our food, and the source of our broad range of problems—and the way to a positive transformation in our individual and collective lives. >>MORE>>