This is the diet we’re all Googling

No, it’s not Paleo.

Gluten-free, dairy-free and sugar-free diets are about as trendy as Gucci loafers and 90s fashion right now (that’s to say, very) but the one diet we’re all Googling, according to Hitwise’s Clean Living report, is the vegan diet, which might not be a surprise if you too swear by soy-based snacks.

Blame the #cleaneating movement or those better-than-the-real-thing dessert recipes that flood our feeds, but cutting out all animal products (that’s honey included, FYI) has become a much more popular option (to look into, anyway) than it was in 2014. Like, 217% more popular, according to the data published today.

Research shows that interest in veganism spiked in December 2016 and January 2017, with searches increasing by 28% over this period.

There are a host of reasons why people become vegan — >>MORE

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