Vegan Voices – Essays by Inspiring Changemakers – by Dr. Joanne Kong


In reflecting upon the past couple years, certainly we think of the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it turned our lives upside down.  In moving beyond this crisis, we need to see the virus as an inflection point of enormous consequence, a direct sign that humans must move away from the exploitation of animals.  Many of the ways in which we produce food have simply become unsustainable and are a growing threat to global health. 

In light of the increasing damage of animal agriculture to our health, the planet and our identities as innately compassionate beings, we need to embrace a new future of food, driven by our sense of innovation and purpose.  And for that new world to be possible, the most powerful choice we can make is to GO VEGAN!

Indeed, every individual’s choices, actions and feelings do make a difference.  Our food choices are not simply about diet.  It goes beyond health.  It’s about recognizing the thread of life energy that connects us to all other living beings and the natural world that is our home.  It’s about creating the possibilities for a world that is kinder and that doesn’t exploit our kindred animals or our precious resources.  >>MORE

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