Why Isn’t Wool Vegan? The Reality Of Sheep Shearing

Despite wool’s cosy image, producing it involves mutilating and slaughtering sheep

Wool is marketed as a sustainable and ethical choice of material for clothing, bedding, and even home insulation. Since sheep do not need to be killed to be sheared, wool might at first seem like a safe option for vegans. But is this true?

As it’s a product of animal exploitation, buying, wearing, or otherwise utilizing wool is not compatible with a vegan lifestyle.  Veganism is a movement against animal exploitation and all industries that use them as commodities. 

Wool production also comes with its own specific ethical costs, and many deem its production to be cruel. As well as causing direct harm to sheep, wool production is bound up with meat production and is far from the harmless industry we’re often told it is. 

Here’s everything you need to know about sheep farming, wool production, and why the material isn’t vegan-friendly.  >>MORE

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