Feline Fanciers in need of a caffeine fix can satiate both addictions at cat cafes cropping up in cities from coast to coast. The combo of hot coffee and furry friends traces its roots to Taiwan, but the phenomenon took off in Tokyo. The concept is not blossoming in the West, where new cafes help animals find permanent homes. Cat…

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Using its own seasoned seitan (a meat substitute made from wheat gluten), Upton’s Naturals has created a line of vegan soups. The made-in-the-U.S.A. line comes in Chick & Noodle, Chick Tortilla, and Italian Wedding recipes, each containing 6-8 grams of plant-based protein per serving and just 120-160 calories per bowl. The Non-GMO Certified (NSF) and Plant Based Certified soups also…

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Just because a cupcake is egg-freeand dairy-free doesn’t mean it can’t beamazingly delicious! Adding mashed banana to this cupcake batter not only gives it one of the essential banana split flavors but also works as a great substitute for eggs, helping to give the cupcakes structure as they bake. Just be sure you don’t overmix these cupcakes; small lumps of…

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By Amanda Loviza-Vickery After relocating from a much smaller property in Willow, Woodstock Farm Sanctuary’s re-opening celebration was not quite a typical petting zoo or festival. Toddlers in cow T-shirts that said “Friends not Food” laughed as they pet a sheep with a prosthetic leg. Long lines snaked around food trucks with names like “Veggie Oasis” as families waited to…

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Because Veganism Can Be More DeliciousThan You Probably Think by Phoebe Waller/Bustle A couple of months ago I decided to make the transition to a vegan lifestyle. What made the change a heck of a lot easier for me was my collection of vegan cookbooks. I used many resources during my transition from vegan blogs to videos made by my…

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by Bridget Creel, Editor With all of the diet variations that exist, it is difficult to decipher which are the healthiest, the best for weight loss, or which will prevent health problems. Vegan diets may be adopted for religious reasons, moral reasons, or health reasons. According to a study by The Vegetarian Resource Group, about 16 million United States citizens…

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The craziest thing about painter, poet and self-made millionaire Tong Kim is not that he has survived three armed robberies. Neither is it the fact that he’s confident humans should live to 170 years. Or that he’s eaten only nuts, berries, lettuce and other vegan ingredients for the last 53 years. Or that he bought and overhauled the former Carmel…

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From her own experience, Richa Chadda gives you reasons why you should turn vegan.  “Imagine being born and raised solely because someone will make a chicken breast piece out of you?” writes Richa. From when I was a toddler, I remember having a strange and magical affinity towards animals. They loved me and I loved them. I had several pets,…

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by Jill Ettinger We all know which foods we do best to avoid (right?). Despite the alluring appeal of Oreos, Mountain Dew or McAnything, processed foods provide little nutrition and a whole lot of risks. But when it comes to the good stuff—what are the best foods to put into our bodies? While experts all agree we need a variety…

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by Nil Zacharias: Co-founder, OneGreenPlanet.Org People can debate all they want about whether a vegan diet is good for everyone, but there’s no disputing the fact that the market for vegan food is booming. While vegans still account for only 2.5% of the population in the U.S. (an impressive doubling in size since 2009), what’s really interesting is that 100…

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All You Need to Know for a Healthy Pregnancy that Fits Your Lifestyle by Reed Mangels, PhD, RDNutrition Advisor to the Vegetarian Resource Group The Vegetarian Resource Group is happy to announce The Everything Vegan Pregnancy Book by The VRG’s Nutrition Advisor Reed Mangels, PhD, RD. Do I need more protein?Am I getting enough nutrients for the baby?How do I…

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