Feeding Families / Saving Animals A Well-Fed World is an international hunger relief and food security organization advancing plant-based foods and farming to create a sustainable, nourished, and climate-friendly future. AWFW’s mission is to strengthen plant-based feeding and farming solutions for impoverished populations and the world at large, while championing a shift away from the consumption and production of animal-sourced…

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Neal Barnard, M.D., President, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Soy products are remarkably versatile. Manufacturers have found ways to turn them into soymilk, veggie burgers, hot dogs, ice cream, yogurt–you name it. One day, they’ll probably turn soy into snow tires. Because soy products are so widely consumed, some people have raised the question as to whether they are safe.…

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You may find that at your school there are no existing clubs relating to your interests, and chances are you’re not alone! Creating a club at your school is an awesome way to spread awareness of the issues vegan and vegetarian lifestyles aim to address. It’s also a fantastic way to meet like-minded people at your school that care about…

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by Karen Davis, United Poultry Concerns The plea for ethical veganism, which rejects the treatment of birds and other animals as a food source, is not rooted in arid adherence to diet or dogma, but in the desire to eliminate the kinds of experiences that using animals for food confers upon beings with feelings. Historically, ethical vegetarianism has rejected the…

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• Do you know how much land is used to raise animals for food? • How much water? • The impact on our environment? To put things in even more perspective:It has become apparent that the human appetite for animal flesh is a driving force behind virtually every major category of environmental damage now threatening the human future—deforestation, erosion, fresh…

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A Presentation by Sarah Taylor, MBA •  Why did you go vegetarian in the first place? •  How did you transition from vegetarian to vegan? See more FREE excellent presentations here.

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by Dr. John McDougall Low-carbohydrate (low-carb) diets are fueling the destruction of human health and our planet Earth. “Low-carbohydrate” means a diet high in animal foods and low in plant foods. Only plants synthesize carbohydrates (sugars). The body parts of animals, including red meat, poultry, seafood, and fish, and eggs, contain no carbohydrates. Animal secretions (like mammalian milk) contain sugars…

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Synopsis – Modern farms are struggling to keep a secret. Most of the animals used for food in the United States are raised in giant, bizarre factories, hidden deep in remote areas of the countryside. Speciesism: The Movie director Mark Devries set out to investigate. The documentary takes viewers on a sometimes funny, sometimes frightening adventure, crawling through the bushes…

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by Dr. Neal BarnardPhysicians Committee for Responsible Medicine Essential Fatty Acid Basics – The body can synthesize some of the fats it needs from the foods you eat. However, two essential fatty acids cannot be synthesized in the body and can be taken in the diet from plant foods. Their names—linolenic and linoleic acid—are not important. What is important is…

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We are all familiar with Smoke-Free Zones. Now we can look forward to Meat-Free Zones, too! Put Meat-Free Zone signs up in your homes and workplaces and spread them to all the vegetarian and vegan restaurants that you know and frequent. >>MORE Also, check out Meat-Free Zone’s excellent archive of health articles.

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…and Abolition Means Veganism!by Gary Francione Provides a clear statement of an approach to animal rights that (1) promotes the abolition of animal exploitation and rejects the regulation of animal exploitation; (2) is based only on animal sentience and no other cognitive characteristic, (3) regards veganism as the moral baseline of the animal rights position; and (4) rejects all violence…

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