A vegan diet affects our food choices and is limited to what we eat, but a vegan lifestyle has a farther-reaching impact. A vegan lifestyle means all our decisions and actions are interwoven and none stands isolated. All life is interconnected. So, decisions about shopping, entertainment, clothes, as well as our meals, are interconnected. And that includes our relationships with…

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Listen to this music video and song promoting the vegan cause, starring music artists Greg Cipes and Jah Sun. Watch it HERE.   Prepare to be delighted! .

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For Strong Bones, Kids Need Exercise, Sunshine, and a Dairy-Free Diet …dairy products do not promote bone health in children and young adults. Physical activity does have a positive impact on bone health, while evidence linking bone health with dairy product consumption is weak, at best… Source: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)

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Milk: No Longer Recommended or Required! –A substantial body of scientific evidence raises concerns about health risks from cow’s milk products. These problems relate to the proteins, sugar, fat, and contaminants in dairy products, and the inadequacy of whole cow’s milk for infant nutrition… [Also] Dairy products offer a false sense of security to those concerned about osteoporosis. In countries…

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“The stalking and killing of animals, which probably began during the Ice Age when plant food became scarce, has become a form of recreation; it is rarely necessary for human survival. Less than 7% of the US population hunts. Hunting is permitted on 60% of US wildlife refuges and in many national forests and state parks. 45% of hunters do…

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Did you know that… the science of growing apples is called pomology? it takes energy from 50 leaves to produce one apple? there are 7500 varieties of apples on the planet, making them the most varied food on earth? apple juice was one of the earliest prescribed antidepressants? apples ripen 6-10 times faster at room temperature than in the fridge?…

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In 2003, Americans spent over $54 Billion [now up to $60 Billion] on soft drinks. In 2004, the average American consumed 37 gallons – or 59,000 calories – of carbonated beverages. Sodas are empty calories (high calories, low nutrients) that deprive the body of important nutrients that could be found elsewhere. 6 of the 7 most popular sodas have caffeine—an…

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“Americans are drowning in soda pop—teenagers, in particular. The average teenage boy is consuming two cans of soda pop a day. The industry spends over $500 million each year promoting the sale of these worthless products….Obesity is an epidemic. One-third of youths already are overweight or obese….” says Michael Jacobson, director for the Center for Science in the Public Interest…

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by Ray Moynihan and Alan Cassels “Overcoming the reverent belief in drugs is a big step in regaining your health and taking control of your life. You have been lied to about the value of most popular medications. The drug industry is inventing new illnesses and broadening the definitions of old diseases so that soon everyone will be classified as…

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Children raised on a healthy, vegan diet of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds gain significant protection against overweight and diabetes and have much higher intakes of fiber, important antioxidants, and minerals than omnivorous children. The American Dietetic Association has given the vegan diet the green light for children, saying it can provide all the necessary nutrients for…

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by Reed Mangels, PhD, RD This is an excellent and practical guide to raising vegan children from pregnancy and on. Includes information on Weight Gain, Protein, Calcium and Vitamin D, Iron, Vitamin B12, Folate, DHA, Iodine, Nausea and Vomiting and more. Includes nutrition tables and sample meal plan! >>MORE

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