Farm Sanctuary

Research, Education, Advocacy

Farm Sanctuary works to protect farm animals from cruelty, inspire change in the way society views and treats farm animals, and promote compassionate vegan living.

We envision a world where the violence that animal agriculture inflicts upon people, animals and the environment has ended, and where instead we exercise values of compassion.

Get a Leg Up on Turkey Activism

Turkeys originally come from North and Central America, and may have been here as far back as 10 million years ago—long before the pilgrims. Turkey did not become the quintessential Thanksgiving entrée until the 20th century when the industry developed a breed of bird that was easier to de-feather—mature turkeys have more than 3,500 feathers. Commercial turkeys are not able to fly and often have trouble walking as they grow abnormally large, but wild turkeys can fly up to 55 miles per hour, and run up to 25 miles per hour.

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