Feeding Vegan Kids and a host of informative pamphlets, including “Tips for Parents of Young Vegetarians” can be found at www.vrg.org/family. “Of course it takes time and thought to feed vegan children. Shouldn’t feeding of any child require time and thought? After all, the years from birth to adolescence are the years when eating habits are set, when growth rate…

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by Bo Rinaldi and Mark Reinfeld Vegan World Fusion Cuisine is a celebration of over 200 international gourmet vegan and live food cuisine recipes. In a simple and easy to follow format, it introduces the ingredients and techniques that allow you to awaken the creative chef within, gently guiding you towards a lighter, more healthful diet. So much more than…

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12 oz. can of soda = 155 cal. = 40 grams of sugar = 10 teaspoons of sugar 16 oz. can of soda = 207 cal. = 53 grams of sugar = almost 14 teaspoons of sugar

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A well-balanced vegan or vegetarian diet is safe and healthy for any person at any stage of life, including infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Vegetarian diets are packed with all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that growing children need. And meatless diets have many important health advantages: Vegetarians enjoy a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some types of…

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By eating calcium-rich vegetarian foods, including leafy green vegetables such as broccoli and kale, white beans, fortified soymilks and juices, and a variety of fruits and vegetables, you can obtain all the calcium your body needs. But keeping your bones strong and avoiding osteoporosis depends on more than [just] calcium intake—you also need to keep calcium in your bones. Exercise…

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Vegetarians easily meet their protein needs by eating a varied diet, as long as they consume enough calories to maintain their weight. It is not necessary to plan combinations of foods. A mixture of proteins throughout the day will provide enough “essential amino acids.” Almost all foods, except for alcohol, sugar, and fats, are good sources of protein. Vegan sources…

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Reason #40 … Though osteoporosis is a disease of calcium deficiency, it is not one of low calcium intake. One cause of the bone disorder is too much protein in the diet. Excess protein can leach calcium from the bones. Famed diet innovator Nathan Pritikin has noted that African Bantu women on low-protein diets take in a third of U.S.-recommended…

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Ahimsa is a Sanskrit word for non-killing and non-harming. It is not mere passiveness, but a positive method of meeting the dilemmas and decisions of daily life. In the western world, it is called Dynamic Harmlessness. The six pillars of this dynamic philosophy for modern life (one for each letter: A-H-I-M-S-A) are: A-ABSTINENCE FROM ANIMAL PRODUCTS H-HARMLESSNESS WITH REVERENCE FOR…

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by Stanley Sapon, PhD The term philosophy is often used to mean a set of basic values and attitudes toward life, nature and society. In this sense, Veganism is a “Philosophy of Life,” guided by what I envision as an essential core of values and principles: Vegans see life as a phenomenon to be treasured, revered and respected. We do…

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Sadly the public is led to believe that “Cage Free” hens live a happy natural life. This is simply not so! “Cage Free”/”Free Range” hens come from the same hatcheries that battery hens come from, all of their male brothers are killed by suffocation or being ground up alive, the girls themselves endure the same bodily manipulations and mutilations, and…

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“In 2004, I was the only vegan in the village,” says Fiona Oakes, a multi-world-record-breaking marathon runner. “But now you see vegan runners everywhere.” An animal lover who set up her own animal sanctuary, Oakes started a running club called Vegan Runners in 2004. The idea came about after she saw the long-distance runner Paula Radcliffe on TV and spotted an…

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