
Did you know that…

the science of growing apples is called pomology?

it takes energy from 50 leaves to produce one apple?

there are 7500 varieties of apples on the planet, making them the most varied food on earth?

apple juice was one of the earliest prescribed antidepressants?

apples ripen 6-10 times faster at room temperature than in the fridge?

one apple provides as much dietary fiber as a serving of bran cereal (about 1/5 the RDA)?

eating an apple cleans the teeth and massages the gums, removing more bacteria than two, three-minute brushings followed by a gargle?

a medium-sized apple has only 80 calories, 5 grams of fiber, no fat, no cholesterol and no sodium?

And scientists have proven that apple eaters have fewer headaches, intestinal disorders, colds, respiratory problems and illness associated with the nervous system.


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