How I Organize My Kitchen for Easy Vegan Cooking

by Charles Ely

I’ve found that the key to keeping myself motivated on a plant-based diet is accessibility, accessibility, accessibility. I also buy so little in the way of ready-made foods, because I’m always feeling ambitious and optimistic when I go grocery shopping. It’s all for love, at the end of the day: love for myself, for my family, for the planet and the animals, and for the farmers in my community I make a point of buying from. I take care of myself and others through the food I make, and the foods I choose to exclude, which is worth it to me. And, of course, let’s not underestimate the love of a good challenge.

>> MORE on Organizing Your Vegan Kitchen: Pots and Utensils, Spice Cabinets, Labeling Food, Pantry, Fridge, Counter Space, Stove Top and the Social Aspect.

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