Nutrition 123

We can obtain all the essential nutrients we need without eating animal products.  Nutritionist Dr. Amanda Benham makes it easy with 3 simple steps to vegan health.

I love helping people get onto a vegan eating plan that’s not only kinder to the animal kingdom and the environment, but can also help you enjoy better health, both now and in the future. Research has found that eating a whole foods plant-based diet and avoiding animal products can reduce your chances of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, heart disease and some cancers.

I understand that sometimes eating vegan can be daunting in the beginning, because eating a healthy vegan diet isn’t just about what not to eat – you need to know what to eat as well.

The team at Vegan Easy have provided 30 days of recipes to get you started on their 30 Day Vegan Easy Challenge, but knowing some basic guidelines and nutrition information will help you maintain a healthy vegan eating pattern long after you’ve completed the Challenge.

Let’s start with three simple steps towards healthy vegan eating.  >>MORE

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