I Went Vegan for the Animals. I Cut Out Highly Processed Foods for My Health

From Vegetarian to Vegan

In 2011, I watched the Forks Over Knives documentary and decided to finally cut out all animal products, including cheese, for good.

But I still couldn’t shake my craving for ultraprocessed foods. I ate a lot of fake meats and oil-laden fake cheeses, and my weight crept up over the years. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I found myself leading a more sedentary lifestyle, and I reached 340 pounds. It was so frustrating!

Looking back, I find it interesting that It was so easy for me to alter my food choices based on what was best for animals, but it was much more difficult to do so for my own health. I knew I needed a mental reset.

In February 2021, I revisited Forks Over Knives and read books on whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) nutrition, including How Not to Die by Michael Greger, MD. I also worked through my psychological issues related to food.

Once I began eating whole-food, plant-based, >>MORE

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