Vegan Information: Links to 200+ Resources

You’ve found it: the mother lode of vegan information. No matter what you want to learn about in regard to vegan lifestyles and plant-based eating, you’ll find links to the best coverage right here.

Essential Vegan Information

To begin exploring vegan topics, start with these six fundamental pieces:

  1. Discover all the sensational vegan foods available by reading our Introduction to Vegan Eating.
  2. Our Why Go Vegan? essay, written by Erik Marcus, is the most authoritative take available on the numerous reasons people choose a vegan diet.  A vegan lifestyle prevents a tremendous amount of animal slaughter and suffering. It offers a potent way to shrink our environmental footprint, especially in regard to climate change. And a well-planned vegan diet can fuel the highest levels of fitness, while reducing our risk of various chronic diseases. Plus, the food is insanely delicious and it becomes more plentiful every year.
  3. To begin moving toward a vegan diet, please read our How to Go Vegan piece. It offers step-by-step guidance for making an easy transition.
  4. Our guides to Vegan Cooking and Baking will speed your transition to a plant-based diet, and enable you to eat tastier and cheaper food than ever before.
  5. To dig deeper into the vegan concept, check out, “What is a Vegan?
  6. Finally, for answers to all the pesky unresolved questions that crop up, check out our Vegan FAQ.


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