What are your goals? Be the best ambassador for the animals and improve the health and nutritional IQ of my fellow man through my content creation on YouTube and Instagram and via my online coaching.
Very excited to launch our new athlete feature! Meet our first athlete in the spotlight – Paul Kerton. He started bodybuilding in 1988 and hasn’t stopped ever since! Paul also follows a plant-based diet and helps vegans improve their performance. We asked Paul a few questions about the challenges he faced and the tips he has in store. Read about his journey below.

What motivated you to start? Is there anyone you look up to?
I was skinny and did know how to stand up for myself. My biggest bodybuilding inspiration is Dorian Yates.
What challenges have you faced so far?
I had initial misgivings about going vegan as a bodybuilder. Happily, it turned out to be the best decision I ever made.
Did you have to make any sacrifices along the way?
Constantly. One need to prioritise training, good nutrition and sleep over being lazy, eating junk and staying up late and partying, etc.
How do you find fulfilment and what keeps you going?
I use my physique to advocate for veganism. I ate more animals than anyone and now that I know better, I’m trying to redress the harm I caused.