Make Some Noise

A Guide to Helping Animals

Every day, animals suffer in silence, waiting to be abused and killed in slaughterhouses, on fur farms, and in laboratories. It’s up to us to take a stand and use our voices to help them. It’s a big responsibility, but there are many small ways that you can speak up for animals.

It only takes a moment to change the life of an animal facing abuse and exploitation. Find Your Voice.

Every day, animals lose their lives in awful ways. From the factory farm to the dinner table, they are mutilated, crammed into cages, and killed in painful ways. They are shackled, beaten, and forced to perform for entertainment. They are poisoned and blinded in experiments. And they are skinned alive for fashion. They suffer, yet they cannot ask for the abuse to stop. That’s up to us. Pledge never to be silent in the face of abuse and exploitation.

Make Some Noise

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