When I Look Inside the Trucks, I Look With My Heart

By Hannah Gregus 

Each day that I wake up with the thought of bearing witness in mind, I feel that same knot in my chest anticipating how much suffering I will see during my visit to the slaughterhouse.

But still I go. I go because to at least be present at the scene of another’s pain and suffering, even when I cannot stop it, feels important; to be there sending empathy and compassion to as many individuals as I can connect with while the death trucks idle at a stoplight, or stall outside the slaughterhouse—this is worthwhile. I am there in recognition of their value and their wish to live and to be free.

I also go to document injustice. >>MORE


VEGAN BACON! by Chef Skye Michael Conroy

The food we eat is a multi-dimensional aspect of our lives. Food provides us with the energy that enables us to grow and prosper. The act of preparing nutritious and compassionate meals is an art form in itself, and the nourishment we obtain promotes wellness within us. If you have ever prepared your own meals from scratch, with wholesome plant-based ingredients and an abundance of fresh produce, you likely understand that there is a marked difference between these foods and those that are processed and stacked on supermarket shelves.

My cookbooks are dedicated to breaking the reliance on commercially prepared and processed vegan foods as much as possible by providing detailed instructions for preparing delicious and nutritious meals that you and your whole family will enjoy. Vegan cooking is an adventure and I invite you to share the adventure with me. Peace begins on our plates…

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