ASPCA Applauds Jack’s Pets for No Longer Selling Puppies Supporters across the nation have taken a stand against puppy mills, and pet stores are taking notice. Recently, Jack’s Pets, one of the largest pet store chains in the Midwest, has decided to no longer sell puppies in any of its stores. Instead, Jack’s will work with the ASPCA to expand…

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The perfect time of year, the perfect time of your life, to join these and so many other compassionate vegans. Make NOW the time to commit to to becoming vegan. Watch this delightful and inspiring video.

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Short Video Lessons fromJohn A. McDougall, MD Improve your life by listening to Dr. McDougall once or twice a day. No charge/no gimmicks. Watch videos HERE

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Dr. Ruth Heidrich,Iron Man Triathlete, Marathoner,Senior Olympian – Vegan Protein, composed of chains of molecules called amino acids, plays an important role in the building, maintenance, and repair of the tissues of the body, including muscle. There are 20 different amino acids in the foods we eat, but our bodies can make only 11 of them. The nine essential amino…

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By Kasey Minnis 1. Vegans know where all their protein comes from. Most people seem to think that protein only comes from meat, eggs, and dairy. Well, folks, you may’ve heard the phrase “proteins are the building blocks of life” — remember that plants are alive too! Vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and even some fruits can be healthy sources…

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You want to make certain your child’s snacks are every bit as healthful as the meals you serve. The easiest way to do this is to use the same guidelines for snack planning as for meal planning. Many healthy, convenient options can be found within each of the New Four Food Groups—fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. >> MORE

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The brutality of hunting animals to the death is one which is deeply worrying for many civilized people. Psychologically, people who hunt enjoy getting into a pack of like-minded hunters; and enjoy the adrenaline… of chasing a defense-less animal over miles and miles of countryside. Part of the “appeal” of the hunt is the fact that the hunters, if they…

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The bone-thinning condition called osteoporosis can lead to small and not-so-small fractures. To protect your bones, you do need calcium in your diet, but you also need to keep calcium in your bones once you get it. You can get calcium into your bones, from eating greens, beans, or fortified foods. You can exercise, so calcium has somewhere to go.…

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by Charles Ely I’ve found that the key to keeping myself motivated on a plant-based diet is accessibility, accessibility, accessibility. I also buy so little in the way of ready-made foods, because I’m always feeling ambitious and optimistic when I go grocery shopping. It’s all for love, at the end of the day: love for myself, for my family, for…

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With the traditional Western diet, the average American consumes about double the protein her or his body needs. Additionally, the main sources of protein consumed tend to be animals products, which are also high in fat and saturated fat. Most individuals are surprised to learn that protein needs are actually much less than what they have been consuming. The Recommended…

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Goal: 60 stores by 2020 Launched in February 2011, the German chain, Veganz, focuses on the growing vegan market. Vegans are people who not only avoid meat, but also any other animal-based product. Germany has 7 million vegetarians, among them some 900,000 vegans. The chain has more than 4,500 products on offer, coming from 270 suppliers in 30 different countries.…

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