View free by Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States for men and women. But, as Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., a former internationally known surgeon, researcher and clinician at the Cleveland Clinic, explains in this book, it can be prevented, reversed, and even abolished. In Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease,…

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EVEN loved this simple vegan replacement for the traditional cow whipped cream and Wendy and Ivy Rose Liberko were nice enough to pass it along for all of us to enjoy! 3/4 cup vanilla soy milk 1 Tbsp lemon juice In a blender, mix on high speed. Remove part of blender lid. While machine is running, slowly pour in 1…

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How Meat Destroys Paradise And How Veganism Can Get It Back by Jeff Popick It’s not news that eating meat is unhealthy, destructive to the environment, and cruel to animals, but what is new is Jeff Popick’s new book, The REAL Forbidden Fruit, which offers compelling evidence that meat was the real “forbidden fruit.” Using spirituality, physiology, sociology, environmentalism, and…

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In his letter describing the ways that Paradise City Cafe is a green business, Norman Lent says, “My greatest green commitment is in reducing soy as much as possible”. Mr. Lent then explains that planting of soy causes deforestation. This argument contains a serious error. It is important to realize that all this soy being grown is being grown to…

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So many folks have asked about this award-winning video, here’s a reminder. The Meatrix is great to send to your family and friends who can’t fathom why vegans do what they do. (Vist

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Have you ever considered??: diet vs. drugs? ?? oatmeal vs. obesity? ?? peas vs. pills? ?? cabbage vs. CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting)? ?? supper vs. surgery? Then consider meeting Dr. John McDougall! Everything you need to make intelligent, compassionate, healthful decisions for your life can be found >> HERE

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I am very disappointed that a supposedly progressive-leaning newspaper [Eugene Weekly] would stoop to promoting blatant cruelty to animals by glorifying “rodeo queens” in a three-page article complete with cover page. I am hoping to see a follow-up article which goes behind the scenes to reveal the callous disregard with which the non-voluntary participants in this violent activity are subjected.…

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by Will Tuttle, PhD Uplifting images of animals celebrating their lives in nature, with solo piano by Dr. Tuttle. (Video)

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Research, Education, Advocacy Farm Sanctuary works to protect farm animals from cruelty, inspire change in the way society views and treats farm animals, and promote compassionate vegan living. We envision a world where the violence that animal agriculture inflicts upon people, animals and the environment has ended, and where instead we exercise values of compassion. Get a Leg Up on…

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Our Livestock Industry Creates More Greenhouse Gas than Transportation Does! Source: E-the Environmental Magazine According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the American meat industry produced more than 1.4 billion tons of waste in 1997—five tons for every U.S. citizen and 130 times the volume of human waste. Michael Jacobson, the longtime executive director of the Center for Science…

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The Truth Behind the Labels —Farm Sanctuary Campaign We live in a country where 95 percent of eggs on the market come from birds kept in cages so small they can barely move, where mother pigs are treated like piglet-breeding machines and made to live in crates barely larger than their own bodies, where chickens raised for meat are kept…

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