Marcus Math – Let’s Be Millionaires!

“When I was a teenager, my greatest ambition was to one day be a millionaire. In my twenties, as my primary ambition shifted away from making money and toward protecting animals, I adapted the millionaire concept for purposes of activism. I decided that I still wanted to be a millionaire, but not in terms of earning a million dollars. I wanted to be a millionaire in terms of keeping a million animals out of slaughterhouses.

Some people may scoff at the idea that one person can save a million animals. But I’ve met at least a dozen people in the movement who’ve achieved this level of success. I think saving a million animals is a lifetime goal that every serious activist would do well to adopt.

But is it realistic to think that a typical person could keep a million animals from slaughter? Absolutely! A twenty-year-old college student is likely to live for at least fifty years. And the average American eats more than forty chickens a year. So if you can convince a college student to give up meat, you’ve saved around two thousand birds, hundreds of fish, plus several pigs and cows. At two thousand animals saved per new vegetarian, this means that during your life, if you convince five hundred young people to become vegetarian, a million animals will be saved.”

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